AviaGames Appoints Tian Jiangbo as Head of Data Intelligence to Drive Innovation in Social Competitive Gaming

AviaGames, a mobile game developer recognized for its Pocket7Games social competition platform, has named Tian Jiangbo as its new Head of Data Intelligence. In this role, Tian will play a vital part in modernizing the backend infrastructure of Pocket7Games to enhance performance and adaptability for upcoming advancements.

Vickie Chen, AviaGames’ CEO and founder, highlighted the significance of large datasets in improving skill-based gaming encounters and expressed confidence that Tian’s knowledge will be essential in developing an intelligent platform that adapts based on user actions.

Tian possesses over fourteen years of expertise in large dataset architecture and creation, having previously held positions at organizations such as GrowingIO, a Chinese analytics service, and App Annie (currently data.ai). His background will be critical in AviaGames’ ambition to advance the frontiers of social competitive technology.

Mr. Tian, an experienced expert from a top artificial intelligence firm, is fully embracing the dynamic realm of mobile games. His extensive history in fundamental product development and information organization makes him well-versed in constructing complex data structures.

He’s enthusiastic about joining the surge of progress in mobile gaming and recognizes vast possibilities in utilizing large datasets. His focus centers on crafting a superior, more captivating player journey while simultaneously enhancing the operational efficiency of the business itself.


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