Arizona Coyotes Face Opposition to Mobile Betting at ASU Venue

The Arizona hockey franchise is encountering resistance to their proposal for maintaining mobile wagering services at their interim location, Arizona State University. As the team awaits the completion of their new stadium, they aim to provide betting options at the university’s hockey venue. However, there’s a hitch: existing legislation might permit mobile betting solely in facilities with a minimum capacity of 10,000. The university arena accommodates only 5,000 spectators.

This discrepancy has ignited discussions regarding the necessity for the Coyotes to pursue an amendment to state law in order to sustain their online betting platform. The Arizona Indian Gaming Association, alongside numerous Native American tribes, are voicing opposition to the Coyotes’ eleventh-hour endeavor to secure a legal loophole.

The Coyotes are visibly dismayed. Andrew Diss, a spokesperson for the team, conveyed apprehension about the legal uncertainty, emphasizing the difficulty in obtaining a definitive response on whether their mobile betting service can advance as initially intended.

The Arizona hockey franchise seeks to amend a recent gaming contract, but the casino-operating Native American nations are firmly opposed. A deal is already in place, and the hockey team is attempting to rectify a situation of their own making.


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